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Blog posts September 2017

So, What to Do? Part 1: opening the market to consumer demand

When I was involved with establishing the American Telemedicine Association in 1993 it was often stated that telemedicine was “just around the corner.” That was 24 years ago. While much has been accomplished, we are still far, far away from the disruptive transformation that was assumed at the time.…

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EMRs Alone Will Not Transform Healthcare

It has now been eight years since the HITECH Act.   The Act distributed $35 billion for the adoption of EMRs by hospitals and physicians and established the Office of National Coordinator to adopt standards and incentives for the implementation and use of EMRs.  Yes, many now call them "EHRs" to mak…

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Six Misperceptions

Healthcare is a $2 trillion market in the United States and growing at a fast pace. For entrepreneurs, that figure is so alluring it is impossible to ignore. Companies, institutions and individuals from everywhere are looking to see how to get a piece of the healthcare market. It’s the gold rush of …

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Regulation or Roadblock?

First published November 28, 2012

Telemedicine is a tool that has been used to improve and extend healthcare for well over two decades.  In 2012, ten million Americans will have benefitted from such remote health services as teleradiology, teleICU and remote vital sign monitoring (note: 20 millio…

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I wish I could just talk about design

 First published January 31, 2013

In a recent column in the New York Times Ray Bilton wrote about his experience at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) and the changed emphasis of the products on display away from technical specifications to design elements.  He states: “I don’t care about the…

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