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Linkous Health

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Recent Speeches, Lectures, and Press 2010-2020


Digitally Transforming the Future of Global Public Health, Poornima University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, July 11, 2020

Second Annual Ketner Lectureship
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, October 18, 2019

Plenary Presentation
Annual Meeting of the U.S. Distance Learning Association, Nashville, TN, May 2019

Plenary: AI and Robotics in the Delivery of Healthcare: from now to the future
Asia-Pacific Region Conference on Telemedicine and AI Technologies, Guangzhou, China, December 2018

AI Tech: What Does it Offer Older Adults Today and Tomorrow?
<strong style=" sans="" /> <strong style=" lucida /> AARP Digital Transformation Lab, New York, NY, November 2018

The Journey to Mainstream: Payer and Provider Digital Health Perspectives
Digital Healthcare Investors Summit, Boston, MA, December, 2017

This Month in Telemedicine
Monthly Television Show video streamed 2013-2017

Plenary Presentations on Health Transformation
The 8th, 9th 10th, 11th Telehealth Innovation Forum, Santa Barbara, CA 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

Telemedicine Markets and Trends
GE CEO Summit, San Diego, CA, April 20, 2017

Keynote Address
​Cerner Users Conference, Kansas City, MO, November 2016

Keynote Address
​India Telehealth Summit, IST, Bangalore, India, November 2016

Presentation on Remote Healthcare Technology Opportunities in Nigeria
Before Nigeria Minister of Health and Invited Guests, Northwestern University, October 2016

Panel Presentation on Investment Opportunities in Telehealth
​Financial Times Digital Health Summit, October 2016

Update on Remote Healthcare Policy
​Telehealth Service Provider Showcase, Phoenix, AZ, June 2016

Telemedicine Business Opportunities
Consumer Electronics Show, January 2013

International Initiatives and Remote Health
Kings Fund Meeting, London, UK, November 2011

Evolving Networks and Transformations in Healthcare
Mexico Association for Telemedicine, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2012

Continuum of Care and Remote Patient Monitoring
Keynote Lecture, Barranquilla, Columbia, September, 2012

Telemedicine Networks in the United States
German Telemedicine Association, Berlin, Germany, November 2012


​Guest Lecturer - Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 2016-2017​

Annual Guest Lecturer - Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, Arlington, VA 2014-2017​

Guest Lecture – Telemedicine Business Opportunities, Cité Universitaire de Paris, Universal Medica Group (Innovation Days 2011), Paris, France, September 2011


Frequent interviews and background sources with a variety of national, regional and trade press including: New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, NBC News, CNN, etc.

​National telemedicine initiatives: essential to healthcare reform
, RC Merrell, JD Linkous, AS Ferguson, RJ … - Telemedicine and e-Health Journal, 2009 –

Telemedicine: An Important Force in the Transformation of Healthcare
MA Hein - Report of US Department of Commerce, International …, 2009 -

The Fourteenth Annual International Meeting and Exposition of the American Telemedicine Association
RC Merrell, J Bernard, CR Doarn - TELEMEDICINE and e- …, 2009 -

States Address Diverse Issues Affecting Mental Health Care
R Daly - Psychiatric News, 2010 - Am Psychiatric Assoc

Telemedicine in Our Economic Uncertainty
RC Merrell, CR Doarn - TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH, 2009 -

House Call Revival, Digital-Style

Challenges in Launching a Malaysian Teleconsulting Network
R Wootton, MSM Tahir - 2010 - 2015